Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Start of This Blog

On Sunday afternoon, Heather comes over and usually talks about her blog. She says stuff like, "Oh, Emily said the funniest thing about her class on her blog," or something like, "Liz put a picture of Lilly on her blog."
Heather told Mom that she should write a blog, to which Mom replied, "The only thing I write is checks."
So Heather said, "Kim, you should write a blog."
So here I am, writing a blog, and wondering why someone would write a check these days.


  1. Lol!!! Yea, I haven't written a check in years.... online everything is the way to go

  2. ha, well said kim.... great first post

  3. Kim you're so funny!!! I was behind someone in the store who wrote a check the other day and I thought the same thing. Love your blog!
